- IOC Vice-President John Coates has welcomed the formation of the Brisbane 2032 Coordination Office
- The Coordination Office will be led by Director General Graham Fraine as the Chief Executive Officer
- Deloitte was engaged to recommend to the government the best structure of the Coordination Office
The Brisbane 2032 Coordination Office has been formalised and will coordinate delivery of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in agreement with Games partners including: - The Commonwealth Government
- Queensland Government
- Brisbane City Council
- Gold Coast Council
- Sunshine Coast Council
- SEQ Council of Mayors
- International Olympic Committee (IOC)
- The Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games Organising Committee (OCOG)
- Australian Olympic Committee and
- Paralympics Australia
An independent report prepared by Deloitte recommended establishment of a Brisbane 2032 Coordination Office. Deloitte studied arrangements for the London and Sydney games and recommended a fit-for-purpose approach for Brisbane. Key differences for Brisbane include: - 84% of venues already exist
- No major infrastructure being built solely for the Games and
- Assets remaining in public ownership
Unlike a delivery authority model, the Coordination Office is accountable to the Parliament. The Deloitte recommendation recognises the State Government’s existing expertise in delivering infrastructure and recommends the Coordination Office for its ability to cut red tape and avoid unnecessary bureaucratic double-up and costs. The Deloitte report said: “The model leverages existing capability and legislative powers within agencies. “There is a high level of goodwill and willingness to cooperate among Games Delivery Partners which good governance will facilitate…” The Coordination Office will oversee many aspects of the games including infrastructure, but also First Nations, environment, legacy, and security. The Office will headed by the Director-General of the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water Graham Fraine. Mr Fraine has held a number of senior roles in the government including former Deputy Under-Treasurer. Underpinning that crucial coordinating body, is the Olympic and Paralympic Games Infrastructure Office, which will design and deliver the key venues, villages, and transport infrastructure. A Leader’s Forum which includes Federal, State and Council representatives will work in tandem with the Brisbane 2032Olympic and Paralympic Games Organising Committee (OCOG). The structure will be reviewed after two years to ensure it continues to be the best model in the lead up to 2032. Quotes attributable to the Premier and Minister for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Annastacia Palaszczuk: “This body represents nine months of discussion with all of our Games partners on the best and most efficient way of delivering the best Olympic and Paralympic Games ever. “It cuts red tape while, at the same time, provides input from all of our Games partners. “Teamwork won us these Games. Teamwork will help us deliver them.” Quotes attributable to John Coates AC, IOC Vice-President: “This model makes eminent sense to me. “The IOC has been discussing the governance model with Brisbane 2032. The IOC continues to explore savings and efficiencies to our Games delivery model. “This is for the benefit of all future Games organizers, including Brisbane 2032. “The last thing we should be doing is adding layers of bureaucracy. Pleasingly this model does not.” Quotes attributable to the President of the Brisbane 2032 Organising Committee, Andrew Liveris: “The Queensland Government will lead venue and infrastructure delivery and has subsequently led the design of the governance model. “We are pleased the final governance framework will be directed by a Leadership Forum, which includes the Organising Committee, Queensland and Australian Governments and other Games Delivery Partners so that key decision-makers are at the table. “We will continue to work with all Games Delivery Partners to ensure venues and infrastructure are delivered in line with our commitments to the IOC and to the long-term best interests of the local communities.” Quotes attributable to Steven Miles, Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister Assisting the Premier Olympic and Paralympic Games Infrastructure: “We’re getting on with the job of planning for and delivering the Games venues, because it is infrastructure our growing state needs. “We don’t need another bureaucracy, the Queensland Government leads the delivery of roads, hospitals, schools and sporting infrastructure across the state, it makes sense to build Games infrastructure too.” Quotes attributable to Sport Minister and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympics and Paralympics Sport and Engagement Stirling Hinchliffe: “This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fast-track the enduring benefits Queenslanders want to achieve from the biggest and most prestigious event on the planet. “In addition, our 12 member Brisbane 2032 Legacy Committee is already compiling great community ideas. “The Legacy Forum on 22 March - with 500 of the brightest minds – will bring together Queenslanders’ economic, social, cultural and infrastructure aspirations like never before. “It’s a truly unique chance to transform Queensland for current and future generations through lasting legacies of Brisbane 2032.” Quotes attributable to CEO of Paralympics Australia Catherine Clark: “Delivering two of the world’s biggest events comes with significant complexity. It requires a team effort from a myriad of stakeholders to plan, decide and act together in pursuit of a common objective. "We support the work that has been done to date involving all Games Partners to determine the most appropriate governance model for an endeavour of this magnitude. "Getting the right structures and ways of working in place is critical to delivering great outcomes for paralympic sport and for all Australians.” Quotes attributable to Chair of Paralympics Australia Jock O'Callaghan: “This decision-making model provides a strong mechanism for all three levels of government and Games Delivery Partners to come together in creating a world class event which will also provide a powerful legacy for decades to come. “This is great news, not just for Paralympians but for everyone associated with the Games. Connecting decision-making and delivery has created a body with a clear vision and the ability to achieve lasting change.” Quotes attributable to Mayor of Gold Coast City Council Tom Tate: “2032 will be a Games for all of Queensland. “It’s a once I in a lifetime opportunity to showcase South East Queensland to the world. “Just like we did with the Commonwealth Games when all three levels of Government work together, we can achieve more.” Quotes attributable to Mayor of Sunshine Coast Council Mark Jamieson: “The Olympic and Paralympic Games brings with it significant investment opportunities on the Sunshine Coast - our Council has been on the journey to attract the Games since early 2015 and I know all levels of government are committed to delivering the infrastructure our communities need. “We will all continue to work co-operatively to progress these objectives. “Having seen the proposed governance model, I am confident that there is an appropriate level of engagement and opportunities for input from the Sunshine Coast.” Quotes attributable to Deloitte: “We have been privileged to work with the nine Games partners including State and Federal Governments, local governments and Olympic and Paralympic bodies to design a governance model which will ensure the Games are delivered on time with all partners having appropriate input at every step of the way. We believe the Brisbane Coordination Office, which is to be overseen by all Brisbane 2032 partners, will provide an effective and cooperative coordination mechanism to get this critical work done.” JOINT STATEMENT Premier and Minister for the Olympic and Paralympic Games The Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk Deputy Premier, Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympic and Paralympic Games Infrastructure The Honourable Dr Steven Miles Minister for Tourism, Innovation and Sport and Minister Assisting the Premier on Olympics and Paralympics Sport and Engagement The Honourable Stirling Hinchliffe |
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