10 September 2021

New affordable social housing $1.9B project's for the Gold Coast

Construction has commenced on a new affordable housing project on the Gold Coast, being built in partnership with a registered not-for-profit community housing provider and the Palaszczuk Government.

Minister for Communities and Housing Leeanne Enoch said more projects like this would be delivered across the state as part of the Palaszczuk Government’s bold new Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2021-2025, which is placing vulnerable Queenslanders into housing sooner.

“Our housing plan includes $1.9 billion over four years to increase social housing stock and the establishment of a new $1 billion Housing Investment Fund that will deliver returns that will support increased social and affordable housing development across the state,” Minister Enoch said.

“This is the largest concentrated investment in social housing in Queensland’s history and will increase the supply of social and affordable housing by almost 10,000 homes over the life of our Housing Strategy, including 7,400 new builds over the next four years.

“The new housing project in Eugaree Street in Southport, is an example of how we are working with the community housing sector to provide more social and affordable housing in Queensland, supporting the community housing sector with a streamlined operating framework and a better focus on responding to community need.

“This is the first of two projects scheduled to start in Southport this year partnering with Community Housing (Qld) Limited (CHQL), with our Government contributing more than $2.3 million to fund construction of the units on land supplied by CHQL.

“This is an outstanding result for Queensland and we will continue to partner with community providers around the state to increase social and affordable housing stock, housing more vulnerable Queenslanders, sooner,” Ms Enoch said.

The Eugaree Street project will deliver five two-bedroom and two one-bedroom units of affordable housing along with eight car parks and will create an estimated 20 jobs working on the building and many more across the construction industry, delivering on Queensland’s plan for economic recovery from COVID -19.

Minister for Science and Youth Affairs and Member for Gaven Meaghan Scanlon said this exciting new construction will provide a great boost for those in need in the Gold Coast community.

“All of the apartments will be designed to new benchmark standard with one designed to a Platinum standard that will accommodate full wheelchair accessibility,” Minister Scanlon said.

“Through the Palaszczuk Government’s new action plan, we are increasing the supply of social and affordable housing, providing the community housing sector with a streamlined operating framework and a better focus on responding to community need.

“Our Government is partnering with CHQL for the delivery of another 37 affordable housing units and three specialist disability accommodation units in Pohlman Street, Southport, providing much-needed homes for the Gold Coast community.

“It adds to major housing projects delivered by this Government like the Gold Coast Youth Foyer, which we recently handed the keys over to earlier this year."

CHQL will provide tenancy and property management services for the project once it is completed around the middle of next year.

Another project has recently been contracted with CHQL to deliver a further 30 affordable housing units and three specialist disability accommodation units in Miami, with construction expected to commence in 2022.

Queensland State Manager Frances Paterson-Fleider said the Eugaree Street project would be the first in a range of new community housing projects being undertaken by CHQL in partnership to assist Queenslanders in need.

“CHQL are delighted to be partnering with the Queensland Government in this project,” Ms Paterson-Fleider said.

“These new homes will provide people with much needed safe, secure and affordable homes on the Gold Coast enabling them to live a good quality of life and maintain local connections.

“These will provide safe and secure homes for single people, couples, or families in need of quality affordable accommodation that is well located to services and employment opportunities in Southport.”

CHQL currently manages around 1,300 affordable tenancies in Queensland through its offices located in Robina, Roma and Maryborough.

Source: Minister for Communities and Housing, Minister for Digital Economy and Minister for the Arts
The Honourable Leeanne Enoch Queensland Media


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