13 October 2019

Vodafone Pacific Fair

Vodafone Pacific Fair

Vodafone Pacific Fair Broadbeach Waters offers a diverse range of mobile phones. Visit in-store to discuss one of our many mobile phones & mobile broadband packages.
Vodafone Group Plc. is the world’s leading mobile telecommunications company, with a significant presence in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, and the United States through the Company’s subsidiary undertakings, joint ventures, associated undertakings and investments.

Vodafone Hutchinson Australia was formed in June 2009 following a merger between Vodafone Australia and Hutchison. Vodafone Hutchinson Australia provides mobile services to 5.3 million customers in Australia. Source Facebook

Address: 2-32 Hooker Blv Broadbeach Waters 4218 QLD

Catch Tram to Broadbeach South Station then walk over the bridge and then turn left into the first Building it's on the bottom floor

Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:30pm, Thursday 5:00pm-9:00pm, Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm 
Sunday 10:00am-4:00pm

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