03 February 2019

Disaster assistance extended Charters Towers, Palm Island, Richmond, Burdekin and Townsville

Disaster assistance extended Charters Towers, Palm Island, 
Richmond, Burdekin and Townsville

Disaster assistance has been extended for communities in Charters Towers, 
Palm Island, Richmond, Burdekin and Townsville due to the extensive and 
persistent rainfall and flooding underway in North and Far North Queensland.
Assistance is being provided through the jointly funded Commonwealth-
Queensland Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) and is in
 addition to the assistance already activated for the region.
Assistant Minister for Home Affairs Senator Linda Reynolds, who has 
responsibility for Commonwealth disaster assistance, said the 
Commonwealth and Queensland governments continued to work together 
to support ongoing recovery efforts as the flooding continues.
"Significant rainfall in North Queensland continues to raise water levels 
and create flooding issues for more communities," Assistant Minister 
Reynolds said."Through the DRFA, we are able to provide assistance to 
Charters Towers, Palm Island, Richmond and Townsville councils to help 
cover the cost of repairs associated with the floods, and help residents 
"We are also providing additional relief measures to targeted areas in
 Burdekin Shire Council and Townsville City Council to include personal 
hardship assistance 
and the reconnection of essential services."
Queensland Minister for Fire and Emergency Services Craig Crawford said
 it was vital assistance was made available to impacted regions.
"The record rainfall and flooding has continued to impact communities in 
the north, flooding homes and businesses while isolating communities and
 damaging essential public assets," Minister Crawford said.
"As the monsoonal trough shifts and the floodwaters head downstream we 
are seeing more and more communities impacted and requiring assistance.
"While it is reassuring that these assistance measures can be provided, 
as the rain continues to fall, the risk of further flooding and isolation 
continues to grow and I urge everyone to exercise caution around 
floodwaters and heed the warnings of local authorities.
"We continue to monitor the weather and flooding patterns and remain 
committed to closely working with the Commonwealth to support impacted
 communities as required."
Information on disaster assistance can be found on the Australian 
Government’s Disaster Assist website atwww.disasterassist.gov.au
 and the Queensland Government’s Disaster Management website at

Attribution: Minister for Fire and Emergency Services

The Honourable Craig Crawford 


Media Statements QLD

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