23 October 2018

The LNP is talking rubbish on Queensland Waste Management

The Honourable Leeanne Enoch 

Photo Queensland Government

The LNP is talking rubbish on Queensland Waste Management

The Palaszczuk Government is standing by its commitment that our waste management strategy, underpinned by a waste levy, will not cost Queenslanders more to put out their wheelie bin every week.
Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef Leeanne Enoch said this commitment extended to those living in retirement villages and caravan parks.
“Once again, the LNP are out there scaremongering in the community about our waste management strategy,” she said.
“It has always been our commitment that Queenslanders will not have to pay more to put our their wheelie bin every week or take a load of rubbish to the tip, because of the waste levy.
“We recognise there are a proportion of Queenslanders living in residences with commercial arrangements for waste collections, including in retirement villages and residential parks. Of course, these people are covered by our commitment.
“The LNP are out there talking rubbish again because they don’t have their own waste policy.
“They still haven’t said whether they would again repeal the waste levy, sending Queensland back behind other states, and robbing our industries of investment opportunities like they did in 2012.”
Minister Enoch said the Government’s waste management strategy would help create more investment in waste recovery industries and create jobs.
“We want to ensure we have better waste management here in Queensland, for future generations.”

Source: Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef, Minister for Science and Minister for the Arts
The Honourable Leeanne Enoch qld.gov.au

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