21 July 2018

Queensland Schoolies 2013 Surfers Paradise

Schoolies Week 2013 Police Arrest Boys
Schoolies Week 2013Cavill MallSchoolies Surfers Paradise was the First City to Hold the Official schoolies week (also known as leavers’ or leavers’ week in Queensland Surfers Paradise and coasties in the Australian Capital Territory) refers to the Australian tradition of high-school graduates (also known as “schoolies” or “leavers”) having week-long holidays following the end of their final exams in late November and early December.
“Toolies”  refers to older revelers who participate in Schoolies week but are not high-school graduates. Foolies”, “juvie leaver” or “pre-schoolies” refers to younger adolescents, who participate in Schoolies week but have not yet graduated from high school.Schoolies week is seen as a final party with schoolmates before they head their separate ways.
 Early Years Schoolies week was Organised by the School leavers themselves and the event just happen on it’s own. Now a day’s it’s well organised by Government and Tourism Chiefs. The Mainstream Media has sometimes been the Schoolies worst Enemy by false reports and just straight out lies on what is really actually happening at schoolies.

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