29 June 2018

Gold Coast University Hospital

Gold Coast University Hospital Entry

 The Gold Coast University Hospital include seven main buildings with a total floor space of around 170,000 square metres, improved privacy and patient safety with over 70 per cent being single rooms, state-of-the-art facilities to train healthcare workers, and on-site research facilities.

1 Hospital Boulevard Southport Qld 4215
Hospital Website
Phone: 1300 744 284 or 07 5687 0000
Emergency Ward
The emergency department is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week

    Hospital Ward Patient Entertainment System
     Ward Entertainment with TV set, Radio and Order your Meals.
    If you are staying overnight at Gold Coast University Hospital or Robina Hospital, you will be offered a choice from our menu.
    Visiting hours are generally between 10:00am and 8:00pm but may vary between wards and units.

Gold Coast University Hospital Carpark
 multi-storey  car park
Hospital retail services include: 
Chemist, Minimart, Coffee shop, Food Bars and Florist.
    Visiting hours are generally between 10am and 8pm but may vary between wards and units.

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