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King Tides Total Wipeout Gold Coast Beaches 4/3/2013

King Tides Wipe out Gold Coast Beaches 2013
They say a Picture tells a story after January
 and February wild weather the
Gold Coast gets hit again by King Tides.

Photo of King Tides Wipe out Gold Coast Beaches 2013
Total Wipeout the Beaches are gone

Photo of King Tides Wipe out Gold Coast Beaches 2013
The issue is the Tide surge has moved 30 Meter
where people would normally be sunbaking.
Photo of King Tides Wipe out Gold Coast Beaches 2013
I think that's the beach Closed sign

Photo of King Tides Wipe out Gold Coast Beaches 2013
After the Council spent a month
 doing emergency repairs to beaches and it 

all wipe out in few days

Photo of King Tides Wipe out Gold Coast Beaches 2013
Looking at these Pictures you would think that
the Beach is unrepairable. In the next few week's
I'll show you video and photos on how
the beach is brought
 back to life again.

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