25 July 2016

King Tides Hit Surfers Beach 2013

King Tides Wipe out Surfers Paradise Beach 2013
King Tides wipe out Surfers Paradise Beach
25 January 2013 Probably the worst weather
The event I can remember in 20 years

King Tides Wipe out Surfers Paradise Beach 2013
This picture is the sea surge with waves
breaking 20 meters further in 

towards the beach shore. 

King Tides Wipe out Surfers Paradise Beach 2013
This photo tell's the story, total wipe out of all
 Gold Coast Beaches. The waves have created
a beach cliff wall along the Gold Coast Beaches

King Tides Wipe out Surfers Paradise Beach 2013
Mother nature at her worst or is it. As you
will see further on in our blog the council spends
Millions of dollars on Beach repairs along the
tourist strip because of tourism. But I spoke to a
lifesaver and he had said that the sand
will return in the winter mother cleaner and Golder.